Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Beaten man accused of molesting boy moves from hospital to jail

I choose this article because there was a man accused for molesting a little girl.

" From Hospital to Jail."


Anonymous said...

he shouldent of done that

LydiaR2 said...

That's sad. Depressing enough that this happens to adults by other adults, now it goes to children by adults? What's with people these days?!

brittanyH2 said...

i dont think he should of think that

LydiaR2 said...

He beat up a guy that touched his kid... Well if you're a parent and that happens then you'd get upset, but beat up the person? There are other ways to solve problems instead of attacking someone and then ending up in jail.

MarinaC2 said...

I would have beat him up too if they touched my kid like that.

Fear the FANGS! >:B

LydiaR2 said...

There are other ways to solve problems, though. I would have done the same thing, but then let the officials know about it so it's considered self-defense intead of murder!